Barry Pokroy is the Leader of the Circle & Square practice of Farber Financial Group which uses clinical psychology to accelerate performance in companies.
Since 1999, Barry has run a successful and dynamic training, consulting and coaching business called Circle & Square in South Africa. Barry joined Farber Financial Group in May 2014 to complement Farber’s focus on financial and business advisory services.
Using his proprietary Circle & Square methodology, Barry has used seminar and board room training, executive coaching, and post implementation consulting to help companies make lasting and sustainable changes in the performance of people and the business itself.
Clinical psychology integrates science, theory, and practice to understand and manage human dynamics. Further, it promotes well-being, personal growth, and a sense of connection and belonging. Barry’s Circle & Square approach focuses on factors that impede both personal and business performance.
Barry has worked in a variety of industries and has keen insight into the mid-market and large national businesses in finance and insurance, professional services, retail, transportation, communications and telecommunications, the public sector, and call centres.
He excels in resolving deep-rooted and pervasive challenges affecting leadership and teams in an organization. Barry equips people with psychological insights and skills enabling people to connect, focus, and drive lasting results.
Prior to developing Circle & Square in South Africa, Barry ran a successful clinical psychology practice. His transition to corporate training, executive coaching and consulting stemmed from a belief that it could make an everlasting impact on people, at home and at work.