Sheri Lee Scott

FCAS, MAAA, Actuary, Milliman

Sheri is an actuary with Milliman’s San Francisco office. She joined the firm in 2009.

Sheri has twenty years experience in the property and casualty insurance industry and her areas of expertise include:
• personal lines ratemaking and product development including predictive modeling, developing class plans, pricing hurricane, earthquake, and wildfire and other catastrophe perils;
• forced placed insurance and other nontraditional insurance ratemaking;
• incorporating reinsurance costs into rates; pricing and designing reinsurance programs, as well as developing risk management and underwriting guidelines;
• personal lines and commercial lines reserving for insurers and captives.

In developing rates and class plans, Sheri has experience building and applying generalized linear models (GLMs); using consumer credit information; pricing property lines using a typeof-loss or by-peril analysis; and creating territory definitions. Sheri has helped several US and non-US insurance companies launch new products using the above ratemaking advancements, and amend existing product ratemaking, underwriting, and marketing to improve profitability.

Prior to joining Milliman, Sheri was SVP of Balboa Insurance Group. Prior to Balboa, she was a consultant at Aon Risk Services in New York City.

– Fellow, Casualty Actuarial Society
– Member, American Academy of Actuaries

– BSc, Statistics, University of Western Ontario, Canada