Insurance was never meant to be Traci’s career. She attended school to become a police officer and ended up being a competitive figure skating coach.
Traci has coached teams at the Canadian National Championships and also has coached international competitors for Team Finland and Team USA.
After returning to Ontario, Canada in 2001, Traci decided to start working for her father at his Insurance Brokerage. In looking to find that spark again with what she wanted to do for a living, Traci found that spark with Insurance when she joined the IBAO Young Brokers Council in 2004. She hasn’t stopped learning and being involved since then.
Traci received her CAIB (Canadian Accredited Insurance Broker) designation as well as Future Leaders Certification and Unrestricted license from our governing body.
She began the process of purchasing the business from her father in 2012 and has a great partnership with her father’s former partner’s son Jamie Marhsall. It is truly a family run business.
Traci has completed 15 years volunteering for the IBAO working through every position including President and Chair. In October 2018 Traci received the Wally Wood Award for her dedication to the IBAO and its members.
Currently, Traci holds the title of President Elect for the Insurance Brokers Association of Canada and will become President October 2023. She will be the 5th women in 102 years of the association to hold the President position.