Terms of Use
All use of the National Insurance Conference of Canada (“NICC”) website is subject to the terms and conditions set forth below. Any use of such Web pages constitutes the user’s agreement to abide by the following terms and conditions. All information provided to NICC is owned by MSA Research. Except for making one hard copy print of limited portions of NICC’s website on an ad hoc basis, or downloading as expressly authorized by NICC, information may not be reproduced, transmitted, resold or distributed without NICC’s permission.
NICC shall not be liable to any user or anyone else for any inaccuracy, error or omission, regardless of cause, in NICC information or for any damages resulting therefrom.
Users may through hypertext or other computer “links” gain access to other sites on the Internet which are not part of NICC’s Web pages. NICC assumes no responsibility for any material outside of NICC’s Web pages which may be accessed through any such “link.”
Delivery Policy
Registration to the NICC is confirmed once online registration is completed and the attendee receives a confirmation of registration via email. Attendees should check in at the registration desk upon arrival at the conference.
Privacy Policy
National Insurance Conference of Canada is a division of MSA Research, a Canadian corporation, and is therefore subject to Canada’s federal ‘Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act’ PIPEDA. For more information on PIPEDA click here.