John Machnicki is a Vice President and Director of the Engineering Laboratory for the Travelers Insurance Company. Through his work with Travelers, Mr. Machnicki oversees the Forensic Engineering Group, Risk Control Claims Services as well as the Industrial Hygiene Laboratory and the Instrument and Calibration Laboratories.
He has spent the last twenty years as a fire origin and cause investigator, is recognized by the National Association of Fire Investigators as a Certified Fire and Explosion Investigator, and has investigated hundreds of residential and commercial fires. Mr. Machnicki has testified as an expert witness on many topics, including flammable liquid analysis, spontaneous combustion, fire investigation, explosions, and product failures.
Mr. Machnicki holds a Masters’ Degree in Physical Chemistry from the University of Connecticut, and is a lecturer on fire science, expert litigation and product liability including warnings and instructions. Mr. Machnicki serves on the NFPA Residential Wiring Aging Committee, and is a former member (alternate) of the NFPA 921 Committee..