Sunday, September 19
Aon-Benfield NICC Golf Tournament at Club de Golf de l’Ile de Montréal,
(Tournament begins at 11:00 A.M) Golf registration required.
Conference Registration Opens 9:00 am
6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Cocktail Reception, Sponsored by Lloyd’s
Monday, September 20
Full Breakfast sponsored by Riverfront Medical Services.
7:30 - 8:45am
Welcome and Introduction
The View from OSFI
This panel will present Canada’s federal regulator’s views on a diverse range of issues including incoming changes to the measurement of regulatory capital driven in part by international harmonization, reinsurance, OSFI’s observations of the current underwriting environment and the regulator’s expectations from management and boards with respect to effective operational and financial risk management. The panelists will respond to audience questions at the end of their presentations.
Networking Break sponsored by Duck Creek Technologies
10:15am - 10:45am
Focus on the Forest Not the Trees
David Rosenberg will provide an analysis on the ongoing deleveraging cycle in the U.S. in the context of a post-bubble credit collapse and the effects it will have on Canada and the world. At the end of the presentation, delegates will have the knowledge to Focus on the Forest, Not the Trees.

Lunch and presentation sponsored by The IBC
11:50am - 1:30pm
Terry O’Reilly, the IBC speaker at last year’s NICC conference, was a great success and we knew he would be a hard act to follow in 2010. But after a thorough search of high-profile speakers who have something relevant to relate to our industry, we have secured a speaker that is both relevant and irreverent. We believe he is capable of stepping up to — and perhaps raising – the bar that was set last year.
His name is Dan Ariely and in his address, he will feature the areas of his work that are most relevant to our industry including: Why people buy insurance and lottery tickets. How people think about probabilities. How to get people to think about insurance. How to get people to cheat less on their claims. But perhaps the most compelling thing about Ariely as a speaker is his ability to entertain and inform his audience at the same time. He turns his research into vignettes that are fun, relevant and engaging.
Global Reinsurance Panel - The Road Ahead
1:45pm - 3:00pm
Chief Executive Officer, Aon Benfield Analytics and Chairman, Aon Benfield Securities
Member of Group Management Board, Head of Americas Division, Client Markets Business Function
The NICC’s global reinsurance panel has become a highlight of the conference. This year’s panel is no different. Moderated by Reactions editor Michael Loney, this panel of leaders from the world’s key markets will share their insights into what cedants and reinsurers can expect in the upcoming renewals and beyond.
Networking Break sponsored by EagleEye Analytics
3:00pm - 3:15pm
The Journey III - Performance Management, Financial Discipline and Talent - Canada and the US. A Discussion.
3:15pm - 4:30pm
Following decades of poor US industry performance the industry has experienced a prolonged period of unprecedented prosperity. What has driven this shift in the US market, and what are implications for insurers competing in the environment? How different is the Canadian story and what relevant is the US one to the industry here? Peter Walker, author of McKinsey’s renowned series ‘The Journey’ will share his insights and lead this illuminating discussion.
Lessons from U.S. Personal Lines Writers
4:40pm - 5:40pm
President and Chief Executive Officer, Allstate Insurance Company of Canada
Credit scoring, predictive modeling, advanced segmentation techniques, regulatory restrictions and intense competition. There are similarities but there also many differences between what personal line insurers in Canada are doing compared with what their US counterparts are able to do. This panel will focus on what successful US insurers are doing to improve their performance and contrast those activities with what is or is not possible in Canada.
Cocktail Reception sponsored by Standard & Poor’s (6:30-7:45pm)
Gala Dinner co-sponsored by Guy Carpenter and Crawford & Co.(7:45pm)
Dinner Wine sponsored by PricewaterhouseCoopers
Entertainment by Cirque Fiesta
Tuesday, September 21
Full Breakfast sponsored by Towers Watson
7:15am - 8:30am
Water and Brimstone - The New Reality in Property
8:45am - 10:15am
Damage from water and other climate related perils have emerged in recent years to replace fire and theft as the largest claims cost for Canada’s property insurers. Lifestyle changes, ageing infrastructure and change in the climate are some of the factors that have contributed to the rapid and sustained increase in insurance claims. Moreover, the rate of growth of water and wind damage claims has been accelerating. The Panel will explore the issue of insuring the risk of water and wind damage from the perspective of an insurer, a reinsurer and a regulator. Some topics that will be discussed include: What actions are needed to ensure that the coverages offered by insurers meet the needs of homeowners and businesses? What is needed to support better underwriting of these risks? How can the insurance industry better promote risk reduction by property owners?
Networking Break
10:15am - 10:45am
Concurrent Sessions
10:45pm - 12:15pm
Having experienced the SARS outbreak in 2002 and 2003 and then the H1N1 scare earlier this year, it seems a mere matter of time before a truly dangerous pandemic strikes. Are insurers ready? How should management be prepared? What will be the impact on staff? adjusters? brokers? policyholders? government? The ability to successfully manage through a pandemic will be critical. Join Dr. Duncan (MP-Etobicoke North) and Bob Krywiak (EGA, Crawford) as they navigate the complex nature of virology, pandemics and their effects on society and the P&C insurance industry.
The long awaited Ontario auto reforms come into effect on September 1, 2010. The reforms came in the wake of alarming claims inflation which has recently rendered the product unsustainable. The question that will be debated here is whether salvation will now be found or are we destined, after a brief honeymoon, to return to the patterns that have plagued the product since the early 1990’s? Oasis or Mirage? Join defense lawyer Lee Samis as he goes head to head with John McLeish a well-known personal injury lawyer as they debate the merits and flaws of the new system.

Lunch sponsored by the CIP Society
Social Guests Welcome
Conference Wrap Up
RIBO Accreditation: Both days (September 20 & 21)
– 5 hours Management & 4 hours Technical