Sunday, September 21
2014 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management NICC Golf Tournament at The Marshes Golf Club
(Tournament begins at 11:00am) Golf registration required.
Conference Registration Opens 9:00am
Cocktail Reception 6:00-7:30pm, Sponsored by Lloyd’s
Welcome Address: Vincent Vandendael, Director, International Markets, Lloyd
Technology, Sponsored by CGI
Monday, September 22

Breakfast Sponsored by Aon Benfield
7:30am - 9:00am
Welcome, Acknowledgements, and Intro Address
Distribution Models of the Future
9:25am - 10:40am
Senior Vice-President Development & Client Solutions, Desjardins General Insurance Group (DGIG)
The world of distribution is in flux, if not under assault. Look no further than the publishing industry, the travel agency industry and other retail channels that have seen their worlds overturned by technology and innovation. Is the insurance industry immune from these forces? Obviously not. But what’s not obvious is what the future of insurance distribution will look like in 5, 10 and 15 years from now. Will the lines between the channels blur? How will technology, product change and evolving marketing techniques reshape the industry? That, among other things, is what this highly qualified panel is charged with answering. This session will be a real eye-opener.
Networking Break
10:40am - 11:00am
Global Economic Outlook
11:00am - 11:45am
David Rosenberg last addressed the NICC in 2010 during the nasty deleveraging cycle in the U.S. and the effects of the financial crisis on Canada and the world. Four years on, the U.S. appears in much stronger shape as does Canada. Will the U.S. engine carry the day? Will interest rates rise tamely will inflation rear its head? Are we re-entering bubble territory? What can insurers/reinsurers expect going into 2015? All shall be revealed.
End of Morning Sessions

Lunch and Presentation Sponsored by the IBC
In a Canada besieged by natural disasters and amidst the threat of even more, Canada’s insurance industry must pick and choose the problems it can realistically solve. What works? What gets top billing? And why? Don Forgeron, president and CEO of Insurance Bureau of Canada, explores these questions and more in his annual luncheon appearance at NICC.
Early Afternoon Concurrent Sessions
1:45pm - 2:45pm
Evolving Reinsurance Models and How They Serve Primary Buyers
The global reinsurance industry is undergoing a period of intense change as a range of different factors converge to challenge the traditional reinsurer model. What does this mean for the primary buyers and how will the new emerging reinsurance models help to provide real added value to primary buyers and their original policyholders? How will reinsurers manage this period of transformation to ensure that they provide sustainable support to their clients? Join two Global Heavyweights for a lively discussion. Audience Q&A will be encouraged.
What's Up With Small Commercial?
Proportionally, Canada has twice as many small commercial enterprises as the U.S. and yet the Canadian insurance industry does not have a clear and coordinated view of this business. How do we define small commercial? How profitable is it? What is the distribution model of the future for small commercial? Can you afford to ignore it? Using an audience interactive format, a diverse panel of industry experts will provide their insights into these and other questions surrounding this critically important element of the Canadian Commercial Insurance market.
Networking Break Sponsored by Interactive Intelligence
2:45pm - 3:15pm
Late Afternoon Concurrent Sessions
3:15pm - 4:30pm
Claim Settlement In Cat Scenarios - Lessons Learned
Join a dynamic panel of consumer and industry experts in what promises to be a lively and engaging discussion focused on the policyholder experience in catastrophe claim situations. Policyholder expectations contrasted with policyholder experience can have deep and lasting impacts on your brand in either a positive or negative way. Our panel of experts will tackle current and relevant topics facing our industry related to catastrophic events through the ever changing and evolving lens of the policyholders we insure, as well as a look into the future in anticipation of how those consumer expectations may change in years to come.
Where Is Canada at With ILS?
2013 was the year that Insurance-Linked Securities (ILS) really took the stage in the global reinsurance arena. ILS such as cat bonds encroached on the traditional reinsurance market in a meaningful way especially in the US market. In 2013 we also saw several multinationals issue ILS that cover their Canadian, primarily EQ, risk, as part of a larger program. At time of writing, however,we haven’t yet seen a pure-play Canadian ILS. Is this about to change? Will the combination of convergence in pricing, very large primary companies and elevated cat risk tip the balance and usher ILS in to the Canadian market? Join this esteemed panel of experts to find out where we are at.
End of Late Afternoon Concurrent Sessions
Cocktail Reception 6:30-8:00pm, Sponsored by Standard and Poor’s
Gala Dinner and Entertainment 8:00pm
Dinner co-sponsored by Guy Carpenter and Munich Re Canada
Wine sponsored by PwC
Entertainment sponsored by AIR Worldwide
Tuesday, September 23

Breakfast Sponsored by JLT Re
7:30am - 8:30am
Federal & Provincial Regulatory Outlook
8:30am - 9:15am
The second day of the 2014 NICC will kick off with a discussion of key regulatory issues affecting insurers, reinsurers, brokers and consumers. The session will cover federal and provincial issues and will touch on governance, risk management, capital and market conduct. The format of this session will be interactive. Audience participation will be encouraged.
Early Morning Concurrent Sessions
Taking the Pulse - Where Are We At With Auto Insurance?
There is one cardinal rule that has served industry veterans well: never be optimistic about the outlook for auto insurance. By September 2014, it is expected that more than half of the mandated 15% auto rate rollback in Ontario will be behind us. Is there a “least-worst” outcome for the industry from this adventure in policy folly? With TPL-Claims costs again on the march across the country, is there a solution in sight this time? With the reformed Premiums Regulation in Alberta and product enhancements largely completed in the Atlantic provinces, has stability finally arrived in those markets? What is it about the politics of auto insurance that keeps us always, ‘hoping for the best, expecting the worst’?
End of Early Morning Concurrent Sessions
Networking Break Sponsored by Carfax
10:30am - 11:00am
Late Morning Concurrent Sessions
11:00am - 12:15pm
All Over the Map - Understanding the Ins & Outs of Flood Mapping
Senior Vice President, Water Resources Director, Global and North America, AECOM
The importance of reliable, comprehensive and up to date flood maps cannot be overstated. The lack of properly delineated flood zones leaves underwriters, reinsurers, municipalities and policy makers in the dark about the degree of risk in many areas of the country. In the wake of the recent catastrophes there is renewed interest in getting a handle on what it would take to develop a flood mapping framework that can be trusted for underwriting purposes which can open the door to providing much needed flood insurance solutions to Canadian consumers and also support sensible mitigation initiatives.
Dispute Resolution in the Insurance & Reinsurance Industry
Independent Counsel, Mediator & Arbitrator, Mary Jane Stitt Professional Corp.
Resolving disputes in an efficient, predictable and expeditious manner is an important need of the insurance and reinsurance industry. Whether it is in the context of a class action, a reinsurance dispute or a coverage issue involving a commercial policy, the industry is a large and important consumer of alternative dispute resolution services such as arbitration and mediation. However, knowing which mechanism to use and who to pick to resolve your dispute is as important as the choice of the counsel to represent you. This panel features veteran insurance industry executives and legal counsel with extensive experience in the mediation and arbitration of commercial insurance and reinsurance disputes. The panel will explore the current state of dispute resolution in the insurance and reinsurance industry and provide valuable insight based on their experience and from multiple perspectives on strategies to resolve your dispute in a more effective way and preserve business relationships.
End of Late Morning Concurrent Sessions

Closing Lunch Sponsored by CIP Society
12:15pm - 1:45pm
Why Canada and America Should Become One Country.
No two nations in the world are as integrated, economically and socially, as are the United States and Canada. We share geography, values and the largest unprotected border in the world. Regardless of this close friendship, our two countries are on a slow-motion collision course—with each other and with the rest of the world. While we wrestle with internal political gridlock and fiscal challenges and clash over border problems, the economies of the larger world change and flourish.
Rather than continuing on this road to mutual decline, our two nations should chart a new course. Bestselling author Diane Francis proposes a simple and obvious solution: What if the United States and Canada merged into one country? Diane Francis’ address will be a controversial and thought provoking close to the 2014 NICC and one you will not want to miss.
Social Guests Welcome
Conference Wrap Up
NICC 2014 is accredited by RIBO
6.5 hours Management and 2 hours Technical